When is the best time to introduce solid foods?
Is your baby around 4-to-6 months and showing some signs they might want to eat food? Or maybe your baby is a newborn and you want to be prepared for
Parenting podcast overload! Choosing the best podcast for you.
Have you been searching for advice on how to parent your baby or toddler but are not sure where to start? If you’re like many new parents with small children,
Why hand expression is important and how to do it
You might be thinking, ‘Why should I hand express my milk when I just bought a pump?’. This is a valid question! In fact, your hands are a valuable tool
Which breastfeeding position is the best?
Are you feeling overwhelmed sorting through all the breastfeeding and chestfeeding positioning information out there? Maybe the hospital nurse told you to use the football position, but you find it
Whatever they say, Pumping IS Nursing my baby!
Your decision to exclusively pump, partially pump, or pump once per day should not be up for debate. Other parents may claim that everyone should directly breastfeed or chestfeed, but
Help! My baby nurses all the time.
It can be hard in the early days to figure out how much milk you need to make for your baby. You might be thinking that your baby is always
Back-to-Work Pumping Plan Key Steps
Are you just a few weeks postpartum on maternity leave? Or maybe you are just about ready to go back to work part-time or full time? It can be confusing
How does World Breastfeeding Week impact breastfeeding and chestfeeding support?
You might be reading this blog and wondering, “Why does my breastfeeding or chestfeeding journey make a difference to others”? The answer is that your story matters to all of
My Baby does not Latch! What do I do?
The first thing to know is that you are not alone! Many parents have a baby who won’t latch after birth and it is common to experience a nursing strike
Houston-area formula and donor milk resources
This is a scary time for many families who are reliant on infant formula to feed their baby(s). Many of you have searched the shelves all over Houston looking for
Our Offerings
We give parents the education and self-confidence they need to trust their instincts and their biologyRequest a Consultation
We work with your insurance to provide in-home, in-office, or telehealth appointments with an IBCLC—the most elite lactation consultant accreditation. Together, you can address feeding challenges and make sure you feel comfortable and confident.